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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Heroes Collide

Lions Pffft you ain't seen nothin!

We should start with arguably the greatest of Greek heroes, Hercules (Heracles as in Greek). His strength was unmatched. His conquests stuff of true legends. Killing lions with his bare hands. Capturing Cerberus (The guard dog from hell). But strong not just in the physical sense; strong willed enough to leave the island of Lemnos, even with it being solely populated by needing women, cunning enough to steal the apples of Hersperides. All in all, one very capable man!

Hmmm seems to remind me of someone...Oh yes Samson comes to mind! Samson too had god like strength and coincidentally he also strangled and killed a lion. He also got himself in some lady troubles with the harlots of Canaan too. His ventures certainly do not go to the extremes of Hercule's but the similarities certainly shine through.

A key similarity to note as well is the death of these great heroes is not the result of a great war or battle but resulting from the betrayal of a woman. Delilah in Samson's case who cut his hair in order to take away his strength and Deianeira who poisoned Herucles with the blood of Nessus to stop him being unfaithful.

1 comment:

  1. Differences to note;
    Samson was given strength by god to fight the Philistines.
    Hercules strength was the result of being the Son of Zeus himself.
    Samson has a weakness which was his hair.
    Hercules had no physical flaws.
    Hercules performed tasks in order to redeem himself after killing his wife (due to Hera's trickery).
    Samson's wars seemed always to do with fighting the Philistines.
    Even in death there was a difference, you say that both was the result of a woman. Hercules yes perished due to Deianeira giving him Nessus' blood but Samson's death was the result of his own actions. Yes Delilah shaved his head to take away his strength, but that did not cause his death. The Philistines captured him, poked out his eyes and enslaved him as a result. In true heroic fashion at a sacrifice where Samson is brought for all to see, he prays to God for a final bout of strength and collapses the whole temple killing all within including himself. So in comparison Hercules was tricked into death, where Samson brought about his own.
